Towards the end of last year, while hacking on user interface for dolt, I started looking at CLIM, the Common LISP Interface Manager. Among other unearthed arcana, it makes heavy use of CLOS (the Common LISP Object System), in particular generic functions.

I thought it would be an interesting experiment to see if multiple dispatch helped with programming in JavaScript. Since JavaScript doesn’t have classes, as such, I couldn’t quite mimic CLOS; however, I remembered Slate, which is a dynamic, prototype-based language with multiple dispatch built in. And happily, there’s a paper describing how that’s implemented.

The idea is to build up a score for each method, based on how close (in the delegation chain) its definition of each argument is to the values supplied at invocation. In CLOS the delegation chain is largely static, so the system can linearise methods as they are defined. In Slate, the delegation chain is dynamic, so you have to store the method information in the objects themselves and look them up when dispatching.

JavaScript is a bit different to Slate. It’s only halfway prototype-based: an object’s prototype is supplied via the constructor, or as an argument to Object.create; i.e., it’s assigned at the time of creation. So, it’s not quite as dynamic, but moreso than CLOS. Nonetheless, it’s possible (and common usage) to use constructors and prototypes to create chains of delegation that also look like type hierarchies – or just outright type hierarchies.

Here’s a naïve implementation of the central method lookup algorithm:

Of the free names there, get_table gets the method lookup table for a value and role (argument position), delegate gets a value’s prototype, and METHODS is a map of all methods defined. More about those in a sec. There’s also selector in the lexical closure, which is a gensym based on a name supplied for the procedure. (Actually you could just take a look at the whole thing if you want, it’s not long)

There’s a handful of translation peculiarities.

One is that JavaScript has value boxing for numbers, strings, and booleans. The semantics are that if an unboxed value is treated like an object (e.g., if you assign a property to it), a new boxed value is created, the operation done with the boxed value, then the boxed value is thrown away. Since I need to store methods with the values on which they are specialised, I have to keep maps for the unboxed value types; luckily they are detectable using typeof (typeof("foo") === 'string'; typeof(new String("foo")) === 'object'). That’s the purpose of get_table.

However I do want e.g., a literal string to have a place in the type hierarchy; so, in delegate (which gets the prototype of a value), I use Object(...) before asking for the prototype. For objects this is a no-op; and, for unboxed values it’ll return a throwaway object, but that’s fine since I want the prototype not the value itself.

Another is due to JavaScript’s constructor mechanism, which is a bit of a headache.

An aside: the constructor property of objects is misleading. It’s not usually a property of a constructed object, but rather, a property given to the automagically generated prototype of a function, which is then ‘inherited’ by the object.

If, then, you do what comes naturally and assign to a function’s prototype property in order to create a chain of delegation, the constructor property is inherited from whatever you assigned, and not the automagic prototype.

Anyway. This constructor thing gives me a choice: since they are often used in the delegation chain style, they make a nice way of naming types. That is, instead of specialising on MyConstructor.prototype, you can specialise on the constructor MyConstructor. The trade is that you can’t specialise on function values – it’ll always assume you were mentioning a function as a constructor. (You can still use Function if you want to specialise on functions. Just not individual function values.)

Oh! I didn’t say whether multiple dispatch was helpful or not. Maybe next time.